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 A workaholic is someone who has no identity beyond their work. Life is about so much more than what you do. It is about the relationships you develop and nurture. It is about social impact in your community. It is about the growth and learning you experience. It is about living passionately.
We are creative by our very nature, it's in our genes. Applied intelligence equals creativity. Intelligence takes on many forms. So this creates a new question:
Where is your definition of a workaholic more likely? One living in passion or one living in isolation and fear?
The True Entrepreneur is one that I witness their values, passion, and whole way of being aligned with what they do. In this way, the entrepreneur is just being. The business, the vocation, the passion, the purpose, the values, interests, etc. are all a part of who the individual is.  
Externally, I don't think anyone could casually observe a difference between a workaholic and this entrepreneur. However, the individual knows. Deep down inside, the answer is known and typically the individual will turn away from acknowledging that truth and rationalize sticking to their tried and true behavior. The tried and true is comfortable. To admit the truth requires change and change is uncomfortable.
Many people welcome change in their external environment and consider themselves capable and open to change. Unfortunately, for most the relationship to the inner self is one of fear; there's a whole can of worms that gets opened when we start doing the inner work. Knowing this, on a gut level, our subconscious quickly reverts to the tried and true. It's hard work to change.
The good news though, is that many entrepreneurs have the ability to see what is happening around them. This ability is what makes entrepreneurs visionary go-getters. However, this does not exempt entrepreneurs from getting caught-up in their business to the detriment of a well-balanced life.  
A well-balanced life is more powerful than the hard work that you put into a business. A well-balanced life feeds the brain, the spirit, the emotions, and the body. In creating the space for relationship, recreation, and rest, the benefits experienced will offer stronger focus, greater creativity (beneficial for problem-solving and decision-making), greater self-esteem, and mental/emotional/physical health. Knowing this, choices are made.
If incorporating a well-balanced life would allow you to achieve the same amount of output in 60 hours versus the 80 hours of perseverance, which would you choose?
The other thing entrepreneurs have difficulty with is learning when to say, "No." and when to say, "That's enough." Always after a new conquest, a new experience, a new peak, and new challenges, an entrepreneur can get all that energy too caught up in the business arena. This will lead to the very thing you fear. Instead, split this energy to have a well-balanced life. Achievement will be far richer in the relationship arena and the personal growth arena.
The experience of Life can be incredibly rich, just don't get so caught up in riches that you neglect your Whole Life.In so many areas of life we must always be vigilent of our mental, emotional and physical health. Getting involved or caught up in too much of one thing can create a multitude of problems in life. Out at a networking event recently, I had missed dinner but in true form to the crowd and socializing I purchased my first of many beers. I hadn't intended to stay as late as I did and nor had I intended to carry-on afterwards at a friend's place. A little excess can be a good thing once in a blue moon.

Having just come back to reality and work the very next day, I'm able to recognize the hazards of letting myself get all caught up in excess. Another networking event tomorrow evening that will be followed by a photo exhibit at another location. It can get a little crazy if I let it get out of hand. Now this is just my experience and I'm sure there are others who are not concerned one way or the other. There are many who demonstrate excellent self-control in many situations. Their weakness may lie elsewhere. I believe we all have a weak spot in our lives.

At the networking event I learned of a dear friend who is over-working himself. The company is insisting he cut back to no more than 2 hours each day of the weekend. I was suprised and not surprised. This guy is very passionate and committed to excellence. The tragedy is that his truest artist isn't allowed out to play anymore. I've seen some of his work. He's an incredible artist and that talent is lying dormant crying for release. Our spirit yearns to demonstrate our beauty to the world. This includes the good work he's doing for his company but not at the expense of the rest of your soul.

Initially, we can completely lose sight of dangers of excess. In the beginning it's just an exception as it's a busy week. One week stretches to two or three and before you know it, you're whole life revolves around work. Or, this week there happened to be more events crammed together, an unusual occurrence. I'm not going to let it get out of hand. But in the past, somewhere along the way, I have lost my sight.I no longer kept my eye on the ball, on the real reason I'm here. How do we express our fullest self?

Everything in moderation. Everything in balance. Trial and error is a good teacher, learning to juggle, to have patience and trust that the things that need to get done will get done, and ability to remember that you have the power to say no. My focus is not on the danger as much as it is on the choice. To recognize when I'm in situations that could backfire. I remind myself to keep my eye on the ball; why am I doing what I'm doing? I want to check-in with my soul and be sure that I haven't lost sight of my truest passion in life; not just the distractions.

Finally, I don't need to run from the challenge. I am a physical being. Desire exists to experience life, to experience the textures and tastes, and to learn from a spiritual place. I can dance among the snakes. I can walk on water; the emotional stormy seas of life. The beautiful thing is, so can you! It doesn't come easy initially. It takes careful observation of oneself, the thoughts and emotions, deciphering their significance, and maintaining a perspective of observer of the experiencer; not from the experiencer perspective. This is a bit of challenge and a fun one at that. To see yourself as something more, you begin to access more.

Excessiveness leads to breakdowns in many areas of life. From health-related personal issues to watching the people that matter most in our life leaving us. This article reflects on the dangers and strategies that enable greater awareness leading to better choices. It's not about abstinence; it's about balance.A well-balanced life is more powerful than the hard work that you put into a business. A well-balanced life feeds the brain, the spirit, the emotions, and the body.

The experience of Life can be incredibly rich, just don't get so caught up in riches that you neglect your Whole Life.